#HUDOwned #ForSale #HUDHomeStore #RealEstate #Kern #County #Bakersfield

FHA Case- 045-810894
520 Rushcutters Bay Drive, Bakersfield, Ca 93307
Kern County
Property Information
Bed/Bath: 3/2.00
Total Rooms: 6
Square Feet: 1751
Year: 2014
Housing Type: Single Family Home
Number of Stories: 1
HOA Fees: $0.00
Revitalization Area: No
Opportunity Zone: No
FEMA Flood Zone: No
Lot Size: 6929.00 sq ft
Listing Information
List Date: 07/08/2022
Listing Period: Exclusive
Period Deadline: 8/10/2022 11:59:59 PM CT
List Price: $346,000.00
FHA Financing: IE (Insured Escrow) *
203K Eligible: Yes *
*Subject to an FHA appraisal, Buyer selects Closing Agent/Firm.
While the home is listed you can also find more detail on www.HudHomeStore.Gov. Please note HUD listings are free to review online and never need a subscription!
If you have any questions on HUD Owned Homes please call JoAnn Outland with Outland and Associates, Real Estate Broker Lic#00646902 at 2665 Shell Beach Road, Suite J, Pismo Beach, Ca 93449, Email JoAnn@Outlandinc.com , 805-441-5574 Mobile.